An enthusiastic and well motivated creative graphic designer, approaching every project with passion and dedication, who always strives to achieve the highest standard possible. With a strong interest in print and type, Steven is a multidisciplinary designer, working with a comprehensive range of design services, including both print and digital solutions. Industry and freelance experience has lead to a professional and reliable approach with excellent communication skills.
Currently looking for an opportunity as a junior graphic designer with a London based studio.
Letterpress Univers London College of Communication
Fully type set and printed in the LCC letterpress workshop, this 12 page document communicates the investigation of information about the workshop and the Univers collection. With a strong interest in print and type, this project paved the way for a comprehensive learning of skills and knowledge into the fundamentals of typography and layout.
INTERACT LCC Competition Brief Winner
INTERACT is an undergraduate mobility programme in Interaction Design, a trans-disciplinary field of design practice including communication design and interactive media. It was essential for the identity to reflect the connection between EU and Australia in interaction design, but to be used for both digital and print usage.
The Hubble Space Telescope
Using experimental typography with a scientific theme, besides the highest quality photography provided by Hubble, this large format document celebrates 25 years of Hubble's greatest discoveries.
Samuel Beckett Season at the Royal Court Theatre
To design a series of four A1 posters to announce a short season of Samuel Beckett plays at the Royal Court. Each poster, using image and modular type systems, responds to the individual play it is announcing. This season of plays is entirely fictitious.
Thou Shalt Reinvent Life
The Ten Commandments for Gilbert & George is an interesting, manifesto like proclamation that they use as a code for life and living. The fourth Commandment, Thou Shalt Reinvent Life, has been created through lines, almost as an illusion, showcasing legibility from different perspectives. The experimental design outcome becomes a part of modular typography, working with the lines while changing position, forming the letterforms of the words, Reinvent Life.