Koen is a graphic designer with a strong interest in editorial design and print making.
He took the opportunity of the GMD course to do a year in industry between the second and third course year. Several print and design internships, some freelance work and a design residency in Chicago served as inspirations for the final year projects. Freshly back at LCC he questioned what it takes to set up a small studio that both designs and prints in-house.
With researched-lead projects Koen studied the possibility of a print-digital hybrid book. He also reflected on his Dutch roots with a project about the famous 1972 debate between Wim Crouwel and Jan van Toorn, aiming to give new view points on the subject by linking a wide variety of sources.
A large part of Koen’s portfolio includes screenprinted, lithographic and letterpressed projects. A latest example is MC90; a typeface designed specifically to be used for screen printing at small point sizes.
MP Research Publication
This publication is a culmination of all the research done for the final three projects of the GMD year. It is clearly divided into three separate chapters and is mostly black and white. Only images of the final outcomes at the end of the chapters use colour. This publication was hand-bound.
A Different Perspective
This publication studies the famous 1972 Fodor debate between Wim Crouwel and Jan van Toorn. It looks for new links between existing Dutch and English sources with the purpose to offer new perspectives. It analyses and juxtaposes the work, career paths, development of design philosophies and contradictions in the view points of the two Dutch design giants.
A well thought out double-gridded set up aims to cause friction, as well as pleasing aesthetics and clear communication in the publication's layout.
MC90 Screen Printing Typeface
This type family is specifically designed to be used when screen printing type at small point sizes. Generally it is discouraged to print anything at a point size smaller than six, when using a screen with a mesh count such as 90 or 120TPI. However, this typeface is made to withstand the influence of a screen with low mesh counts, rough printing papers or inefficient materials and/or printing skills. It’s letterforms are still recognisable at 2pt when printed on a 90TPI screen.
MC90 comes in three different styles, each made for different size printing purposes, and an additional bold weight. This type specimen showcases the letters individually at various scales and side by side in the point sizes they are intended to be used at.
Known Unknowns posterzine
Known Unknowns is a study that Koen did directly after he came back from his year out of the university. During this year he made connections with designers and printmakers which he interviewed for this posterzine. This publication aims to find out what it takes for a recent graduate to set up his own study, and preferably one that combines design with in-house printing, as this one of Koen's biggest interests.