Kimyen Hoang is a London based graphic designer interested in branding, print design and typography.
Great Green Wall
The aim of this project is to make The Great Green Wall famous by bringing awareness to the Western society about the importance of desertification and how it is affecting food security.
In western society we take everyday products / necessities for granted and I am trying to bring the concept of desertification into our everyday lives by looking into the products / necessities that is being produced in Africa and those we use on a daily basis. The contents will be replaced with sand to portray that it is normal to be consuming sand, although in actual fact it's a twist, substituting the products with sand, highlights the importance of this matter, even if its a situation occurring in another country, it is a global problem.
Samuel Beckett
Design a series of four A1 posters to announce a short season of Beckett plays at the Royal Court
Domination and emptiness are the key themes shown among four plays. The images are produced by taking photographs of key objects to symbolise the plays, printed on acetate and processed through the darkroom. Later processed digitally.
Beyond Hubble Space Telescope
The universe is forever expanding and the scroll is designed to represent 38 stars closest to earth. The higher the temperature the bluer it is. The lower the temperature the more red it is in space.
Bloom Birmingham
Bloom Birmingham is an dynamic Design and Art destination, aims to broaden the public understanding of how frequently they intersect and borrow language from one another.