Hello! I'm a London based graphic designer. I enjoy working on digital outcomes with a strong visualisation to communicate. As a designer I aspire to create a design that would socially inspire, inform and make an impact.
Great Green Wall
The Great Green Wall proposal was conceived in 2005, in order to stop desertification and deterioration of the environment friendly. The aim of this project is to explore the notion of making westerner people aware of ‘The Great Green Wall’.
In order to make it globally aware we were asked to think of a concept that would make it go viral and reach out the message to people. Few restriction were applied such as no traditional methods.
I choose to do pixel art game design which could be played by any age group. The purpose of this game is to educate the audience about ‘The Great Green Wall’ in a better interactive way.
Hubble Space Telescope
Explore and develop the skills as a creative visual editor. All the information has been provided through the website hubblesite. org/the_telescope/hubble_essentials/. The key aspects of this project was to choose a selection of the specific area and communicate the information more creatively and visually through an appropriate media.
This project is mainly targeted to the people who is very much interested in science/discovery. To display the information I choose selective data and facts to be explored through a vector lined motion graphic.
Self Initiated Project : NEPAL
A self initiated project explores the beauty of Nepal through media design. I choose to do this project due to the recent earthquake of Nepal. Nepal has be a very popular country for tourism, however due the Earthquake in May 2015, Nepal has been facing a huge economic crisis.
Here, through my project I wanted to make people aware about the situation after the earthquake, even though there were damages in few locations not everything has been destroyed, therefore there are many thing to be preserved. The concept of this project is to make people aware of Nepal and attract the audience to go visit Nepal hence beauty of Nepal. As I personally visited Nepal after the earthquake I had a chance to document the local area and places of Nepal, which you normally don’t see in typical tourism videos.